When you are viewing a roster within ROSTERkey you will generally see a lot of days and dates, people's names, and jobs to be done, along with quite a bit of other information.
- A Role is a job that needs to be done and that needs who is doing it and when they did it to be recorded.
- A Shift is a part of a day (24 hour period) during which there is a requirement for one or more Roles to be undertaken. For example, a "Day Shift" might represent the time between 6:00am and 2:00pm during which certain tasks need to be performed. An "Afternoon Shift" might be 2:00pm through to 10:00pm.
- A Worker is any user that can be assigned to a roster. Theses are the people who will be performing the Roles.
- A Crew is a group of workers who will be assigned to the same pattern of Shifts.
- A Team is a group of workers aggregated simply for viewing. Team membership can be arbitrary or follow some logic.