With ROSTERkey you are able to link your roster with your calendar, e.g. with MS Outlook.

When you log in to ROSTERkey you may see a different home page compared to other users, depending on the authorization level associated with your user account.  As a worker, you should see at least the following buttons:

To link your roster to your calendar click the "My Settings" button and proceed through the following steps:

  1. You will see this screen
  2. Make sure your email address is included and at least the "Webcal Welcome" check box is ticked.  If not, set them and then click the "Apply" button.
  3. In the "WebCal Publish Setup" section you will probably see "Not Shared" as the "Welcome Message:"
  4. Click the "Share" button.  The lower information frame should change.
  5. Click the "Send Welcome" button.
  6. In a few minutes you should receive an email that includes a link to a guide with further instructions.  You can also access the guide from here.