The Worker Summary Report lists workers filtered by tagged information.  To make use of this report several steps first need to be undertaken.

  1. Set up Tags in the Configuration -> System -> Tag page.
  2. Apply tags to individual staff-members on the Configuration -> System -> Worker Settings page.

Tag Setup:

Use normal configuration procedures to create required tags on the Configuration -> System -> Tag page.

Tagging Workers:

To apply tags to a staff-member use the Configuration -> System -> Worker Settings page and update the "Worker Tags" section.

The Worker Summary Report:

The Home page has a "Worker Summary Report" icon.

Clicking this icon will display the report.

Use the "Matching Tags" filter to select tags to be reported against.  You are also able to include/exclude the email address and phone number from the report.

Click the green refresh arrows to display the report.

You are able to download, print, or email the report.