The Operator Movement function is used to change the default role and/or crew of a worker. Access to this function is from the ROSTERkey home page. Once the page is displayed, follow the instructions below.
- Set the date and time period and click the "Draft" button in the toolbar.
- The Draft Operator Movements page will show.
- In the top-right window ...
- Click the "+" button to add a row for each worker for whom details are to be changed.
- Select the new crew and/or role. You can leave it as "(unchanged)"
- Click the "Refresh" button.
- Immediately below you will now see the possible movements.
- Here you can move forwards or backwards one day at a time.
- As you navigate days, if the movement would cause any alerts, then they are shown in the next window below.
- Once you are happy with the day chosen, click the "Create Movements" button.
- This will create DRAFT movements which you can either publish or delete.
Actual Role:
The process outlined above will change a worker's Default Role from the date selected. If you simply wish to note that a worker performed a different role on a day then you can use either of these methods ...