The Operator Movement function is used to change the default role and/or crew of a worker.  Access to this function is from the ROSTERkey home page.  Once the page is displayed, follow the instructions below.

  1. Set the date and time period and click the "Draft" button in the toolbar.
  2. The Draft Operator Movements page will show.
  3. In the top-right window ...
  4. Click the "+" button to add a row for each worker for whom details are to be changed.
  5. Select the new crew and/or role.  You can leave it as "(unchanged)"
  6. Click the "Refresh" button.
  7. Immediately below you will now see the possible movements.
  8. Here you can move forwards or backwards one day at a time.
  9. As you navigate days, if the movement would cause any alerts, then they are shown in the next window below.
  10. Once you are happy with the day chosen, click the "Create Movements" button.
  11. This will create DRAFT movements which you can either publish or delete.

Actual Role:

The process outlined above will change a worker's Default Role from the date selected.  If you simply wish to note that a worker performed a different role on a day then you can use either of these methods ...

  1. Change by Worker
  2. Change by Administrator