ROSTERkey allows you to import leave balances for employees.  This function is only available to Administrators and is accessed from an icon on the Home Page.

It allows you to set the leave balance for a specified employee and leave type to the provided value as at the indicated date.

When you click this icon you will be presented with the upload form.

Click the "Browse" button to select the leave file from your system.  Then click the "Upload" button to send the file to ROSTERkey.

ROSTERkey will process the file and report up to five errors back to you.  If there were errors, fix them in the original file and re-submit it.

The file needs to be in ".csv" format with the following data fields


The employee identifiers and absence type codes must be valid in your system.


emp1234,2019-08-01,zS/L,11.22 (this one errors with an invalid worker and invalid absence type)

emp1234,2019-08-02,zA/L,22.33 (this one errors with an invalid worker and invalid absence absence type)

emp1234,2019-08-03,SL,33.44 (this one errors with an invalid worker)

emp1234,2019-08-04,AL,44.55 (this one errors with an invalid worker)

carlicammarata,2019-08-05,SL,55.66 (this is valid)

carlicammarata,2019-08-06,AL,66.77 (this is valid)

carlicammarata,2019-08-06,AL,66.77 (this one errors as a duplicate)

carlicammarata,2019-08-06,AL,66.77 (this one errors as a duplicate)

carlicammarata,a2a019-08-06,AL,a66.77 (this one errors with a "TypeError", both the date and value are wrong)