The Operator Movement function can be used to change the following:

  • the crew of a worker from a specified date
  • the default role of a worker from a specified date
  • the team of a worker from a specified date

If you just wish to move a worker without any checking of alerts and rules then using the "simple mode" of the Operator Movement function is the quickest way.

The Operator Movement toolbar has a toggle where you can select whether you wish to operate in simple or advanced mode.

From this page you can create a movement for any valid date but it will not show unless you have selected a "From" and "Weeks" option that covers the date you selected for the movement.

Creating A Movement

To create a movement, click the "Draft" button.  You will then be presented with the "Create Roster Change" form on the right hand side.


  1. select the worker whom you wish to move
  2. select the date on which the movement will take effect
  3. for Crew changes
    1. if you are moving the worker out of a crew but not into a new crew then select "(none)" as the "New Crew"
    2. if you are moving the worker to a new crew then select the new crew as the "New Crew"
    3. if you are not changing the worker's crew then select "(unchanged)" as the "New Crew"
  4. for Role changes
    1. if you are moving the worker out of a role but not into a new default role then select "(none)" as the "New Role"
    2. if you are moving the worker to a new default role then select the new role as the "New Role"
    3. if you are not changing the worker's role then select "(unchanged)" as the "New Role"
  5. for team changes
    1. if you are moving the worker out of a team but not into a new team then select "(none)" as the "New Team"
    2. if you are moving the worker to a new team then select the new team as the "New Team"
    3. if you are not changing the worker's team then select "(unchanged)" as the "New Team"
  6. You can also change a Worker's default Role Pattern Group, Location, and Location Pattern Group in the same way.
  7. Click the "Apply" button.

You will then see the new DRAFT movement in the movement summary panel.

For this movement to take effect you need to publish it.

  1. Make sure its "Published" box is checked
  2. Click the Change button
  3. Click Apply

Editing a DRAFT Movement

To edit a DRAFT movement simply click the item in the movement summary panel.  Its details will then be shown to the right.

Here you are able to change any or all of the following:

  • the date of the movement
  • the New Crew
  • the New Role
  • the New Team

You are NOT able to change the worker to whom the movement applies.  For this, you will need to delete the movement and create a new one.

Once you are happy with the changes, click the "Apply" button.

Editing a PUBLISHED Movement

Similarly to editing a DRAFT movement, simply click the item in the movement summary panel.  Its details will then be shown to the right but locked.

You can perform a "Live Edit" where the details can be updated directly into the movement or a "Replace" edit where the original published movement will be flagged for removal and a new DRAFT movement created that you can edit before publishing.

Deleting a Movement

To delete any movement make sure the "Deleted" check box is selected and then click the "Change" button.

Any effects of this movement will be removed and the crew, role, and team membership that existed prior to the date of the movement will be reverted from the date onwards, until the next movement is encountered.

Note that deleting a movement is NOT the mechanism to be used to change an employee's crew/role/team.  A new movement should be created.  Only delete a movement if it is incorrect.