The Operator Movement function can be used to change the following:

  • the crew of a worker from a specified date
  • the default role of a worker from a specified date
  • the team of a worker from a specified date

If you wish to move a worker, at the same time seeing how the change affects the roster, i.e viewing possible alerts etc., then use the "advanced mode" of the Operator Movement function.

The Operator Movement toolbar has a toggle where you can select whether you wish to operate in simple or advanced mode.

When you visit this page in advanced mode you will see an additional panel at the bottom of the page.  This will show all current alerts for selected time period.

In simple mode, clicking the Draft button gives you a simple form to create a movement.  However, in advanced mode, the perspective of the page changes.

You will see:

  • "Requested Movements" to the top right.
  • "Candidate Movements" below that.
  • "Potential Alerts" below that.
  • The main window will show "Hours Balances" and "Alert Count" for any candidate movements.
    • Hours balances will reflect any tracked hours balances for selected workers as they move from crew to crew.

To start working on draft movements

  1. Select the time frame ("From" and "Weeks") for which the movements will be checked.
  2. Click the "+" button in the candidate movements frame.  This will add a new row to the list.
  3. Select the worker to move.
  4. Select the new values for crew, role, and/or team.
    1. To leave the employee in the same crew/role/team, select "(unchanged)" for that item.
    2. To move the employee out of a crew/role/team but NOT into another, select "(none)" for that item.
    3. To move the employee to a new crew/role/team select the new value from the drop-down list for that item.
  5. You can change one, two, or all three of the items at the same time.

Once you are happy with the employee and change list, click the "Refresh" button.

All other frames will now be populated.

  • The "Candidate Movements" will show a movement for each worker.  It will show for the first date of the selected From-Weeks range.
  • The "Potential Alerts" will list all alerts that exist on that day.
  • The "Hours Balance" will track the "Worked Hours Balance", i.e. accumulated balance for unpaid overtime, accrued days off, etc.
  • The "Alert Count" will show how many alerts exist on any given day in the range.

What you are now able to do is look at different days in the "Candidate Movements" frame.  Click the left/right blue arrows to move back or forward by a day.  The other frames will then refresh to show what effects those movements will have on different days.  This allows you to select a day on which the movements have least affect, if appropriate.

Once you are happy with the selected date for the movement, click the "Create Movements" button in the "Candidate Movements" frame.

You will then be returned to the main perspective of the page, showing the new movements as DRAFT and any potential alerts.

To publish the movement, make sure the "Published" check box is selected and then click the "Change" button.

Editing a DRAFT Movement

To edit a DRAFT movement simply click the item in the movement summary panel.  Its details will then be shown to the right.

Change the details you wish and then click the "Apply" button.

Editing a PUBLISHED Movement

To edit a PUBLISHED movement click the item in the movement summary panel.  Its details will then be shown to the right but locked.

You can perform a "Live Edit" where the details can be updated directly into the movement or a "Replace" edit where the original published movement will be flagged for removal and a new DRAFT movement created that you can edit before publishing.

Deleting a Movement

To delete any movement make sure the "Deleted" check box is selected and then click the "Change" button.

Any effects of this movement will be removed and the crew, role, and team membership that existed prior to the date of the movement will be reverted from the date onwards, until the next movement is encountered.

Note that deleting a movement is NOT the mechanism to be used to change an employee's crew/role/team.  A new movement should be created.  Only delete a movement if it is incorrect.