When a new employee joins your organisation there are several steps that need to be taken.

  1. Create a new User.
  2. Update the Worker Settings for the employee.  You need to set
    1. "Payroll Active Period" (if used)
    2. "Active Period"
    3. "External Systems" (if used)
    4. "Leave Categories" (if used)
    5. "Initial Balances" (if used)
  3. Add competencies to the employee.
  4. Set default Crew, Role, and Team.

Create a new User:

  1. Go to the "Configuration -> System -> User" page.
  2. Enter the new employee's details and tick the permissions they are to have.
  3. Click the "Apply" button.


If you are NOT using Single Sign On (SSO), the employee will receive an email and needs to verify their account using either of these links:

There is additional information here: Verify employees that have no email address


If your authentication system is using SSO, you will need to contact your IT team to have the new user added to the corporate ROSTERkey authorisation mechanism.  You will most likely have a process in place for this already.

Also, the username you enter in ROSTERkey will need to match the identifier from your corporate authentication system.  Typically, when a corporate email address is used as the SSO login, the email prefix will be the identifier required as the ROSTERkey username, e.g. for "[email protected]", the ROSTERkey username should be "john.smith".

Update Worker Settings:

  1. Go to the "Configuration -> System -> Worker Settings" page.
  2. Select the Email and SMS notification options that you wish to use for this employee.
  3. If this employee is to be included in payroll then add a "Payroll Active Period" with "From" as their first day on the job and "To" can remain as "n-a".
    1. note: "Payroll Active Periods" will only show if payroll integration is enabled for your organisation.
  4. Set the correct "Active Period" for the employee.  This will have a "From" of their first day on the job and the "To" can remain as "n-a".
  5. If your organisation has integrations with other systems, e.g. payroll, and the username in ROSTERkey does not match the employee's identifier in the external system, you need to add an entry in the "External Systems" table.
  6. If accrual rates for leave differ for the same type of leave, e.g. annual, for different employees, then set the "Leave Category" for this employee.
  7. If the employee has moved from another part of the organisation and is bringing already accrued leave then add those entries to the "Initial Balances" table.

Add employee Competencies:

  1. From the Home page select the "Operator Details" function.
  2. Select the new employee
  3. Click the "+" in the "Competencies" frame.  This will show a popup to add the Competencies for the employee.
  4. Click the "+" to add a row for each competency that the employee has.
  5. Select the appropriate Role in each row and enter a "From" as the start date of the employee and the "To" can remain as "n-a".
  6. Click the "Apply" button.

Set the default Crew, Role, and Team for the employee:

  1. From the Home page select the "Operator Movement" function.
  2. Use the Simple Mode to add the default Crew, Role, and Team for the employee as per these steps,
    1. Operator Movement - simple mode