List View
The Shift Offers screen displays the shift offers that managers send to workers. Each shift offer has one of the follow statuses:
- New: Worker has not replied.
- Accept Pending: Worker replied with Accept
- Decline Pending: Worker replied with Decline
- Tentative: Manager assigned the shift offer to the worker, but the offer is still pending confirmation
- Finalised: Manager assigned the shift offer to another worker
- Cancelled: Manager cancelled the shift offer
By selecting and deselecting the Active and Inactive buttons the user can filter the shift offers that are displayed.
When the Active button is enabled, shift offers with the following statuses will be displayed:
- New
- Accept Pending
- Tentative
When the Inactive button is enabled, shift offers with the following statuses will be displayed:
- Decline pending
- Finalised
- Cancelled
Details View
When an item in the list is selected, details about the selected shift offer will be displayed.
The Accept Shift and Decline Shift buttons will be only shown for shift offers with “New” status.
When either of the buttons are selected, the user will be asked to confirm their decision.