After signing in to the ROSTERkey mobile app, there will be a command bar at the bottom of the screen.

Tap the "Requests" icon to display the Worker Requests screen which will initially show all current worker requests for 30 days prior to the current date and 60 days after.

If you alter the dates on the screen, the list will refresh from the server to include requests for the new date range.

If there are requests that may have been made on the server that are not showing in the display, tap the green Refresh icon to perform a data fetch.

  • To create a new Request, tap the orange and white "add" ("plus") icon.
  • To view the details of an existing Request, tap the title in the Request item.
  • To edit the details of an existing Request, view the Request and then tap the Update button.
  • To delete a Request, tap the delete request icon, the trash bin, on that item.

Currently only "Overtime Unavailable" requests can be managed within the mobile app.