Operational Readiness allows you to annotate a Shift Definition with certain attributes, known as "Operational Readiness Conditions" (ORC).   Any Worker that is assigned to that Shift will then have those conditions also annotated to them.

For example, for fly-in/fly-out (FIFO) operations, an ORC may be created as "Travel Itinerary Confirmed".  Then, the "FLY" Shift  Definitions can have this ORC annotated to them.  Any Worker on a FLY shift, will see the "Travel Itinerary Confirmed" ORC attached to them. The value of any ORC for a Worker on a day can be set to either "Ready", indicating that the condition has been met for that day or "Not Ready" indicating that the condition has not been met and therefore the Worker may not be fully ready for duty on that day.

For details on how to manage and use ORCs, refer to:

N.B. Operational Readiness is a free but optional feature of ROSTERkey.  If you wish it activated for your environment please contact your support representative.