ROSTERkey provides a Bulk Repeating Job API that enables B2B management of Repeating Jobs.
To set up a Bulk Repeating Job Configuration (BRJC) use the "Configuration -> System -> Repeating Job (Bulk Config)" page. The details provided for a BRJC determine the type of Repeating Jobs that are created from the API.
Here, you need to provide Name and Code values that must be unique within your Department. Also, provide a date range (From/To) for which this configuration is active. Other details include:
- Job Type: A Job Type that this configuration applies to. This will be used:
- to identify a BRJC from an inbound request in the API.
- as the Job Type on any Repeating Jobs that are created.
- Future Days: This is the number of days into the future for which any Repeating Jobs are created.
- Is Default: If this is ticked and an API request received that does not match any BRJC, this BRJC will be used.
- Shift Defs: A list of shifts for which Repeating Jobs will be created.
- Frequency and Interval: This is the schedule that will be applied to any Repeating Jobs that are created. See Repeating Jobs for details
The above information only describes the configuration of a Bulk Repeating Job request that is received across the API. See below for the process applied when those requests are received.
Bulk Repeating Job API Process
ROSTERkey will process the received data to automatically manage Repeating Jobs as follows:
- At the time of receiving the data the currently active Shift will be determined.
- NO changes will be made to Jobs covering this Shift.
- All Shifts post the current Shift will be checked for compliance with the provided Job Type and Location.
- A “Bulk Repeating Job Configuration” will be determined in order to create/match Repeating Jobs.
- If the number of Repeating Jobs matching the Location/Job Type is more than the specified quantity, Repeating Jobs will be removed, down to the quantity specified.
- If the number of Repeating Jobs matching the Location/Job Type is less than the specified quantity, Repeating Jobs will be added, up to the quantity specified.
- When Jobs are removed:
- Operators that may have been assigned to a Job that is removed will become available for re-assignment.
- When Jobs are added:
- an operator will NOT be automatically assigned.