The Roster Admin and Work Roster pages can include a visual banding effect.  Zero or multiple bands can be configured.

Defining Roster View Bands:

Use normal configuration procedures on the Configuration -> Roster View Band Spec page to define the bands as needed.  Multiple bands can be created but no band can overlap with any other band.


Each Band requires:

  • a Name
  • a date range to which it applies
  • a Historical Count.  This caters for when this pattern was in place before the start date of the Band.  For example, when ROSTERkey was started to be used after rostering processes were already in place.  It applies to the top level band only.
  • a Display Label checkbox.  When ticked, the label will be generated and displayed as a column header hover tooltip.
  • band group definitions.  The lowest level group is always a number of days.  The Group Count for higher groups is the number of the next lower group, e.g. the group "week" might have a group count of 7, i.e. seven days in a week.  The higher group "fortnight" would have a group count of 2, i.e. two of the lower "week" group.
    The above example has 4 weeks (hence 28 days) in every Swing and 8 Swings in every Deployment (32 weeks, 224 days),

Displaying Roster View Bands:

The effects of this banding are visible on the Roster Admin and Work Roster pages.

Three effects are displayed:

  • The column headers are shaded differently for each band by the number of days in the lowest band group.
  • The right-most column in the band has a dark line on its right edge.
  • The column header may have a mouse hover tooltip.

The above example has a band starting on 1-June.  The label is generated as the count of each band group within its next highest band group.  The tooltip shown is for the very first day of the band.  If there had in fact been 20 deployments prior to 1-June, then the Historical Count would need to be set to 20.  The label would then be "Deployment 21, Swing 1, Week 1"