Defining Absence Types:

Use normal configuration procedures on the "Configuration -> Absence Type" page to define and configure leave for your system.

As a minimum you should create a Name, Code, and one Active Period for each leave type that you wish to use.

Additionally you can create accrual definitions for each leave type.

Defining Leave Accrual:

In the Accruals list, create one row for each period that will have different accrual properties.

The date from which this accrual definition is relevant.
ToThe date to which this accrual definition is relevant.
Rate ExprThis can simply be a number of hours or a mathematical expression that evaluates to a number of hours.
Leave CategoryThis allows different accruals to apply to different groups of personnel for the same Absence Type.  This is a drop-down list of available Leave Categories.  If left blank it will apply to all personnel.
Accrual IntervalAt what interval is the number of hours accrued.  Selected from a drop-down and can be Daily, Monthly, Yearly.
At how many of the "Accrual Interval" should the accrual be applied, e.g. if "Accrual Interval" is daily and the "Frequency" is 7, then the number of hours will be accrued every 7 days.
Accrual MethodThis is selected from a drop-down and can be Accrue or Reset.  For "Accrue" the number of hours will be added to the current balance for the employee.  If the value is "Reset" then the employee's balance will become the number of hours. E.g. if the number of hour is 8, the "Accrual Interval" is Monthly, the "Frequency" is 1, and the "Accrual Method" is Accrue, then every month, 8 hours will be added to the employee's balance.  If the method is Reset then each month the employee's balance would become 8, i.e. any remaining leave from the previous month would be lost.
Prob. Intvl. (probation interval)A probation interval of Days or Months can be selected from a drop-down.  This caters for employees who do not actually get leave until a certain time after they start service.
Prob. Freq.How many of the "Prob. Intvl." to apply.
Prob Qty.How many hours to set the employees balance to after the number of intervals. E.g, if "Prob. Intvl." is Monthly, "Prob Freq." is 3 and "Prob Qty." is 16, then after 3 months of starting service an employee will be given 16 hours of leave.  After that time, the normal accrual will apply.
n.b. probation details do not have to be set.
Worker AnniversaryTick or leave un-ticked.  If ticked, then the accrual will apply to the anniversary of the employee starting service and not the "From" date.