On the Roster Administration page you are able to filter the rows displayed.

Filter groups available include:

  • Workers
  • Crews
  • Roles
  • Teams, and
  • Hours Types

Within these groups are shown all instances of that group on the current Roster view, e.g.

You are able to select zero or more values from each group in any combination.  The chosen filters are then applied to the view and only rows matching the selected filters are displayed.

The Hours Type Filter and the Shift Summary

For all Filters except the Hours Type Filter, the Shift Summary counts the total number of shifts on each day, regardless of the Filter values.

However, when the Hours Type Filter is used, the collapsed Shift Summary adapts to count the number of workers on each day that have displayed rows that match the filter values.

When the Shift Summary is expanded, the count breaks down the actual occurrences of each Hours Type.